If you are 18 or under you will also be able to join the Yorkshire Tykes and ring with people who are all the same age as you.Membership will also give you access to training courses organised by the association. You will be covered by the Association's public liability insurance. You will be entitled to a printed copy of the YACR annual report. Your subscription wll contribute to the activities of the YACR, for example, supporting the BRF (a fund that towers can apply to for grants to help with maintenance work), the Yorkshire Tykes and the work of the education committee. In addition, through the subscription that the YACR pays to the CCCBR, you will be supporting the work of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers - which covers everything from bell maintenance advice for steeplekeepers, to safeguarding advice, to maintaining historical records of bellringing. The YACR was formed almost 150 years ago; by joining you will be continuing the tradition. Joining is easy; just click here to visit the membership portal and enter your details. When you've entered your details you will be asked to pay the membership subscription. Annual membership is just £12 for adults and £6 for anyone in full-time education. (If you are not sure which branch you should be joining, ask someone else at your tower.) |