
Alterations that have been agreed in principle, but where the wording of the rule or standing order is yet to be agreed at an Association meeting, are identified in green.
This Society shall be named "The Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers". Its objects shall be:
1 To promote ringing for divine service and to secure recognition of ringers as church workers.
2 To cultivate the art of change ringing and encourage recruitment and the instruction of ringers.
3 To promote good fellowship amongst ringers and bring all ringers into a closer friendship.
4 To endeavour to arrange instruction for bands of ringers desiring it.
5 To obtain the co-operation of church authorities in the maintenance of bells and ringing rooms in proper condition.
The Association shall consist of Resident, Non-Resident and Life members. The amount of subscriptions for subsequent years for each of these shall be decided at an Annual General Meeting and stated in a schedule to the Rules. Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st January. All new members shall be supplied with an Association badge and a certificate of membership.
The General Officers shall be a President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Peal Secretary, Report Editor, Composition Secretary, Ringing Master, Librarian and Education Committee Convenor.
Within the general framework of the Association there shall be Branches. Branch Officers shall be Chairman, Branch Secretary and Ringing Master. Branch committees shall consist of the Branch Officers and other members.
The General Committee shall consist of the General Officers, the Vice-Presidents, the Central Council Representatives and two members from each Branch. It shall be responsible for the management of the Association.
There shall be a standing sub-committee consisting of the President, General Secretary, one other General Officer chosen by the President and one representative from each Branch nominated by their respective Chairmen.
There shall be an Education Committee. It shall consist of one representative from each Branch, and shall elect its own convenor. It shall meet at least once a year and shall have the power to co-opt.
There shall be a Gift Aid Officer, an Association Membership Manager, a Webmaster, a Safeguarding Officer and an Association Public Relations Officer. They shall be appointed annually by the General Committee and to that Committee, if not otherwise a member of it.
There shall be a Bell Repair Fund Committee consisting of a maximum of twenty members including the five Custodian Trustees of the Bell Repair Fund.
There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of the President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Gift Aid Officer, and any other representatives as appointed by the General Committee. It shall have control over the funds of the Association.
There shall be a Young Ringers' group.
The title "Vice President" can be conferred as a mark of distinction on any person the Association wishes to honour.
The Association will publish an Annual Report.
Two members shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to independently examine the accounts of the Association.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in May, normally on the first Saturday in May following the May Day Bank Holiday, in each Branch in rotation if possible. Two General Meetings shall be held during the year in addition, normally on the first Saturday in February and the third Saturday in September.
There shall be a Bell Repair Fund.
The Association shall be affiliated to this Council and shall abide by its rules and decisions.
No alteration or addition to these Rules or Standing Orders shall be made except at one of the three General Meetings. Particulars of a proposed alteration or addition shall be notified in writing to the Secretary, placed on the agenda and announced at a General Meeting. The proposition shall not be put to the vote until the meeting following the announcement.
1 Resident Members may apply to the General Committee for Life Membership on reaching the age of 65 years, if they have held continuous paid annual membership, either as an Associate, Qualified or Resident Member of the Association, for the last 30 years. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.
2 Life Membership may be granted by the General Committee to others at their discretion, particularly to those who have rendered outstanding service to the Association and to those who are unable to continue active ringing. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.
3 Resident Members are entitled to the Report of the previous year and to vote for the election of officers when they have paid their subscription for the current financial year.
4 Ringers who are neither resident in the County nor attached to any tower in the County may become Non-Resident Members. Non-Resident Members are not eligible for election to official positions in the Association and do not have a vote at elections. (For exception see 6 below). They do not receive reports and notices issued by the Association.
5 A Member may leave the County but wish to continue membership; if they have paid two or more Annual Subscriptions they are eligible to become a Non-Resident Member without any further payment. The change may be made by application to their Branch Secretary.
6 An election may be made before a peal attempt providing there are three or more members of the Association in the band and all of them agree to it. Non-Resident Members are eligible to vote only at such an election.
A quorum of seven shall be competent to transact the business of the General Committee.
A proposition dealing with the funds of the Association shall only be put to the vote at a General Meeting. A notice of the intention to move such a resolution shall be given at a previous General Meeting unless such a proposition has been recommended by the General Committee.
1 The General Officers shall hold office for three years: the President and Peal Secretary being elected for one year; the Treasurer, Report Editor, Education Committee Convenor and Librarian the next: the General Secretary, Composition Secretary and Ringing Master the year after that. All retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election. except that the President shall not be eligible for election for more than two consecutive terms of office.
2. Candidates for the position of President, Secretary. Treasurer, Peal Secretary, Report Editor, Composition Secretary, Ringing Master, Education Committee Convenor and Librarian may be either:
a) nominated by a proposer and seconder at the General Meeting preceding the Annual General Meeting, or
b) nominated by a proposer and seconder in writing to the General Secretary on or before the last day of the month in which the said General Meeting has taken place.
3 An election shall be decided by a show of hands unless six or more members request a ballot.
4 In the event of a tie the election shall be deferred until the following General Meeting, the retiring officer carrying out his duties until that date. If the retiring officer is unable to do so, the President shall nominate a person to the office until the next meeting.
5 In the event of a General Officer resigning before the expiration of his full term of office, notice of the General Officer's resignation shall be given at the next General Meeting of the Association. Candidates for election to the resigning General Officer's position may be:
a) nominated by a proposer and a seconder at the General Meeting at which the General Officer's resignation is announced; or
b) nominated by a proposer and a seconder in writing to the General Secretary on or before the last day of the month following the month in which the General Meeting took place at which the General Officer's resignation was announced.
6 The election to fill the vacancy outlined in Standing Order D5 shall take place at the next General Meeting of the Association. Such a General Meeting need not be the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
7 In the event of the resigning officer being unable to carry out his duties until a successor has been elected, the President of the Association may, after consultation with other General Officers: a) nominate a person to the office until a successor has been elected, or b) take such steps, if any, as he thinks fit.
8 Any General Officer elected pursuant to Standing Order D5 and D6 shall hold office only for the length of the unexpired term of the General Officer who has resigned.
Any nomination shall, in the first place, be made in writing to the General Secretary. It must have the approval of the General Committee before being submitted to a General Meeting for voting.
1 Each Branch shall be managed by a Committee which includes the Chairman, Ringing Master, Branch Secretary and/or Treasurer. Two members of this Committee shall be on the General Committee. All members of the Committee shall reside or ring within their Branch.
2 At any Branch meeting only members resident or ringing in that Branch shall be entitled to vote at elections.
3 The Branch Secretaries shall collect and forward to the Association Treasurer the subscriptions of members in their respective Branches and give them their Reports, certificates of membership and badges. Information on monies received during the year shall be sent to the Association Treasurer.
4 Branches shall be entitled to hold and manage their own funds out of which all administrative expenses of the Branch are to be paid. After the Annual General Meeting each year the Association Treasurer shall forward to the Branch a grant to cover the year's expenses. At the Annual General Meeting each year the amount of the grant for the following year shall be decided.
5 Branches shall produce accounts each year which shall be independently examined and sent to the Association Treasurer for publication in the Annual Report.
6 An account of the year's work in the Branch shall be sent to the Report Editor by 31st December for the Report.
7 The name, tower and address of all resident members of the Association shall be sent to the Association Membership Manager immediately after the meeting at which they were elected.
1 Nominations shall be made at the May meeting a year before the new Council meets, or in writing to the General Secretary before the end of May, and the election shall be held at the following September meeting.
2 Casual vacancies shall be filled by nomination and election at the next General Meeting after the vacancy occurs.
3 Representatives attending meetings of the Council shall be entitled to reimbursement of costs up to the maximum stated in the Schedule.
1 Collections for this may be taken at any meeting and the amount of the collection announced.
2 The Bell Repair Fund Committee shall be responsible for the administration of the Bell Repair Fund.
3 The Bell Repair Fund Committee shall, each year, appoint a member of the Association to produce an annual Friends of the Bell Fund Report.
4 A quorum of seven shall be competent to transact the business of the Bell Repair Fund Committee.
1 Peals shall be recorded providing that all those taking part are Resident, Life or Non-Resident Members of the Association.
2 Conductors shall forward the following to the Peal Secretary:
a) details of the performance written out in the same way as in the Report on one side only of the paper;
b) the names of the towers to which the ringers belong and an indication of Non-Resident Members;
c) the names, addresses and subscriptions of any ringers elected immediately before the peal;
d) the peal booking fee as stated in the schedule;
e) the composition or its peal number in the Association's Reports.
3 These details shall be forwarded to the Peal Secretary within one month of the performance. No peal shall be accepted if reported more than two months after its performance, except that details of all peals rung in December must reach the Peal Secretary by the 31st January at the latest. The power to accept or reject a peal shall be vested in the General Committee.
The Association's Library/Archive shall be housed in The Old Palace near York Minster. The Association Librarian/Archivist shall be authorised to spend an amount up to the limit stated in the Schedule for the administration of the Association Library/Archive.
1 The Education Committee shall be entitled to hold and manage its own funds out of which all administrative expenses of the committee are to be paid. After the Annual General Meeting each year the Association Treasurer shall forward to the Education Committee a grant to cover the year's expenses. At the Annual General Meeting each year the amount of the grant for the following year shall be decided and stated in the Schedule.
2 The Education Committee shall produce accounts each year which shall be independently examined, and shall be sent to the Association Treasurer for publication in the Annual Report.
3 An account of the year's work by the committee shall be sent to the Report Editor by 31st December for inclusion in the Report.
1 The Young Ringers' group shall be entitled to hold and manage its own funds out of which all administrative expenses of the group are to be paid. After the Annual General Meeting each year the Association Treasurer shall forward to the group a grant to cover the year's expenses. At the Annual General Meeting each year the amount of the grant for the following year shall be decided and stated in the Schedule.
2 The Young Ringers' group shall produce accounts each year which shall be independently examined, and shall be sent to the Association Treasurer for publication in the Annual Report.
3 An account of the year's work by the group shall be sent to the Report Editor by 31st December for inclusion in the Report.
4 Membership will be open to all resident ringers under 19 years of age.
5 The group shall be managed by a Committee which includes a Chairman. Ringing Master, Secretary and Treasurer.
6 At any group meeting only members of that group shall be entitled to vote at elections.
1 The annual subscription for Resident Members and the subscription for Non Resident Members shall be £12.00, except for those in full-time education, for whom the subscriptions shall be £6.00. Life members are not required to pay an annual subscription.
2 40% of all subscriptions shall be paid into the Bell Repair Fund.
3 Branch grants shall be 15% of annual subscriptions (excluding Non Resident Members’ subscriptions) received in the previous year but not exceeding an amount equal to the branch expenditure during the previous year, less the cost of advertising in the Ringing World during the previous year. Applications for further funding shall be made to the General Officers of the Association.
4 Cost of badges: £3.50 each.
5 Cost of Reports to Non Members: £4.00 each.
6 Peal Booking Fee: 50p per ringer, the whole of the peal booking fee collected shall be paid into the General Fund.
7 Central Council Representatives: Maximum entitlement – travelling expenses 20p per mile or standard class rail fare, subsistence £10.
8 The annual grant to the Education Committee shall be £500.
9 The Librarian shall be authorised to spend up to £120 each year.
10. The annual grant to the Young Ringers shall be £500 for 2023.
These rules apply to the final only, giving the opportunity to operate under different rules at Branch level if desired.
1. This competition is a six bell competition based on Sunday Service bands and will consist of two stages:
a) Preliminary competitions arranged by each Branch, for towers in the Branch area.
b) A final competition held between the winners of the Branch competitions. In the event of a Branch not holding a competition the Branch Committee may wish to nominate a tower to take part in the final. In the Final each Branch will be represented by a tower within the area of that Branch.
2. All participants in the competition must be members of the Association.
3. Bands entering the competition will consist of regular Sunday Service ringers of the tower represented. Should this not be possible, one visitor will be allowed to ring, but a penalty will be awarded against any band which includes a visitor.
Teams will be allocated a time (20 minutes is allowed per team) before the event and should endeavour to be prompt – reducing their practice time if necessary.
1. Call Changes. The test piece will consist of not less than 240 rows counting from the first call change during which at least two pairs of bells per minute must be changed.
2. Method Ringing. The test piece shall be either:
a) 240 doubles (with a cover) – either two 120s rung consecutively or a 240 with each change repeated once, or
b) A true touch of 240 changes of minor.
3. On entering the tower each member of the band may try his/her bell for length of rope for a few whole pulls. Bells should be tried individually and in order treble to tenor.
4. A practice piece must be rung and shall consist of up to three minutes ringing. At the end of three minutes, including the opening rounds, the bells must be stood.
5. After a short break the test piece will follow and must be preceded by a period of rounds not exceeding one minute. Marking will commence from the first change after the opening rounds and continue to the end of the test piece, or 240 rows from the beginning of the first call change.
6. A person appointed by the Association Ringing Master or a person appointed by the organiser of the event is to remain in the tower while each band rings. Usually a member of the previous band is asked to remain behind to steward the next band. He/she may advise the band on the time they have available in their ringing.
7. Any person having grounds for complaint about the competition is to communicate this to the organiser who must pass it on to the judge before the result is declared.
1. A judge shall be appointed by the Association Ringing Master or by the organiser of the event and may be offered expenses.
2. A band that includes a visitor will incur a penalty of 15% additional faults.
3. The band with the lowest number of faults after adjustment of visitor’s penalties shall be the winner and receive the trophy.
The judge’s decision on any matter of dispute shall be final.