Yorkshire Association
Young Ringers District :
Tykes win RWNYC 20247th August 2024
On Saturday 6th July 2024 twenty two members of the Tykes travelled to London to represent Yorkshire in the RWNYC. We were able to enter three teams, an 8 bell method team ringing Plain Bob Triples, a 6 bell method team ringing Plain Bob Doubles and a 6 bell call changes team. All three teams rang really well and our 8 bell method team won the Whitechapel Trophy with an outstanding piece of ringing which gained the first ever mark of 10 out of 10.
Well done to all our young ringers. And many thanks to all our supporters who helped make this possible.
The team clockwise from front right: Amelia Johnson, Finley Kemp, Annie Faulkner, Robert Carr (C), Francis Town, Francis Gilruth, Alexander Johnson and Harry Helyer.