1st January 2018
I have been working with Rev. Mark
(vicar at Stockton) and Margaret Jobson at Thornaby
about how we can establish some more regular ringing
at Stockton and secure the long term viability of the
tower by the recruitment of local bell ringers.
The Plans for 2018 are as follows:
The Thornaby ringers will ring at Stockton
Parish Church on the 2nd and 4th Sunday Mornings
of the month, starting from Sunday 14th January,
09.45am till 10.30am.
The vicar is very keen on establishing
a regular practice night therefore the plan is to have a
regular practice night on the first Thursday of
the month 7pm till 8.30pm. The first practice
is planned for Thursday 4th January.
I hope to arrange some specific 10 and 12 bell
method practices on the 4th Tuesday of the month
about four times a year, which I hope will be give
opportunities for ringers from the wider area to ring
methods on 10 and 12 bells.
For more information email:Jack.hanlon@hotmail.com