31st May 2020
Westley Award 2020
In the awards for 2019 – third place was won by Mddleham – have we the potential of another winner from the Yorkshire area in 2020?
Ringers are all dependent on the bells that they ring. Towers and bells in good condition will usually make it easier for ringers to develop their skills and, in particular, help retain new recruits.
So have you or one of your band become involved in belfry maintenance relatively recently?
If so, then the Westley Award for church bell maintenance is for you!
The Stewardship & Management Workgroup of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers is launching the 2020 award for people who are newly involved in belfry maintenance, developing their own skills and those of others.
We hope that every society, branch or district will submit at least nomination!
The award will be made at the September 2020 CCCBR annual conference to be held in Nottingham. The winner will receive £100 and a certificate.
Full details and an application form will be on the CCCBR website here:
The closing date for nominations is noon on 31st May 2020.
Alison Hodge
CCCBR Stewardship & Management Workgroup Lead