The Association sells the Snowdon Series of ringing books which, very generously, were donated to it by their previous owner, Christopher Groome, a few years ago. All surplus profits from sales are for the Association’s Bell Repair Fund.
A brief explanation of the books’ contents is shown below. The new ‘Diagrams’ assembled in 2011 (the 14th editiion) comes in hard back and is pocket size. The blue lines shown for the 202 methods illustrated are all laid out as Jasper Snowdon, the Association’s first President, did in his original work bearing the same title, which he published in 1881.
The Snowdon Series Books
The new 2011 Edition of Jasper Whitfield Snowdon’s original work, comprising 202 methods showing their blue lines - £12.
An A4 sized version with loose leaves, spirally bound is available at £25.
The 1987 reprint of Jasper Snowdon’s ‘Introduction to The Art of Change Ringing’, first published in 1879 - £7.
The 1989 reprint of J Armiger Trollope’s revision in 1947 of Jasper and William Snowdon’s original work, first published in 1888 - £8.
Inspired by Bells.
Some 80 articles and poems with some photographs featuring bells, collected by Frank Foden and published in 1991 - £20.
Campanalogia: or the Art of Ringing Improved.
Published in 1990 with a new introduction by William T Cook, this book is a facsimile copy of the original written by Fabian Stedman and published in 1677 - £22.
Purchase details
Copies are obtainable from:
John Mitchell, Cobblers House, Roecliffe, Boroughbridge, York, YO51 9LY.
(Post and package included in all prices)
Please make cheques payable to ‘The Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers Snowdon Books’
Any enquiries to books@jmanorhouse.co.uk
(Sorry, there are no discounts for multiple purchases).
All surplus proceeds to the Yorkshire Association’s Bell Repair Fund.