Yorkshire Association

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Review of YACR Membership

by Elaine Scott

1) First draft

  2) Latest draft

3) Proposed changes to rules/standing orders January 2024

4) Standing order proposals with suggested amendments 26.3.24


Proposed changes to standing orders 26.3.24

Existing text   Proposed text   Comments


1.  To be eligible for election to the status of Qualified Member a ringer shall have rung to a method either.

a)  on tower bells 720 changes on either a working bell or the treble; or the tenor       covering to 1260 changes; or

b) 720 changes on a pair of handbells.

2  Associate Members are those ringers who have not yet qualified for (1) above.





Omit 1 & 2 as there will be one level of membership and renumber following paragraphs.
 There’s almost no mention of elections of members in the revised version (only to say that membership forms should be sent to the membership manager as soon as possible after election). Assuming that we’re not going to drop the elections and just have people becoming a member by paying their subs, could we have something along the lines of “Members can be elected to the Association at an Association or Branch meeting.” It should come instead of A1 and 2, so the rest would need renumbering.   [J Jones 8/3/2024].


3          Qualified and Associate Members may apply to the General Committee for Life Membership on reaching the age of 65 years, if they have held continuous paid annual membership, either as an Associate Member or Qualified Member of the Association, for the last 30 years. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.

1      Resident Members may apply to the General Committee for Life Membership on reaching the age of 65 years, if they have held continuous paid annual membership, either as an Associate, Qualified or Resident Member of the Association, for the last 30 years. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.


Replace Qualified and Associate by Resident.



Add Resident member.

4          Life Membership may be granted by the General Committee to others at their discretion, particularly to those who have rendered outstanding service to the Association and to those who are unable to continue active ringing. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.


2          Life Membership may be granted by the General Committee to others at their discretion, particularly to those who have rendered outstanding service to the Association and to those who are unable to continue active ringing. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.


No change.

5          Qualified and Associate Members are entitled to the Report of the previous year and to vote for the election of officers when they have paid their subscription for the current financial year.


 3          Resident Members are entitled to the Report of the previous year and to vote for the election of officers when they have paid their subscription for the current financial year.


Replace Qualified and Associate by Resident.

 It says at A5 (A3 in the new version) that members can vote for the election of officers when they have paid their subs for the current financial year. For consistency, this should be extended to any voting (financial matters, rule changes etc), so perhaps you could change it to ‘vote in the election of officers and other matters when they have paid their subscription……’ or something similar.   [J Jones 8/3/2024].

6          Ringers who are neither resident in the County nor attached to any tower in the County may become Non-Resident Members    Non-Resident Members are not eligible for election to official positions in the Association and do not have a vote at elections. (For exception see 8 below). They do not receive reports and notices issued by the Association.


4          Ringers who are neither resident in the County nor attached to any tower in the County may become Non-Resident Members    Non-Resident Members are not eligible for election to official positions in the Association and do not have a vote at elections. (For exception see 6 below). They do not receive reports and notices issued by the Association.


No change.

7          A Member may leave the County but wish to continue his membership; if he has paid two or more Annual Subscriptions he is eligible to become a Non-Resident Member without any further payment The change may be made by application to his Branch Secretary.


5          A Member may leave the County but wish to continue membership; if they have paid two or more Annual Subscriptions they are eligible to become a Non-Resident Member without any further payment. The change may be made by application to their Branch Secretary.


Grammatical changes.


8          An election may be made before a peal attempt providing there are three or more members of the Association in the band and all of them agree to it. Non-Resident Members are eligible to vote only at such an election.


6          An election may be made before a peal attempt providing there are three or more members of the Association in the band and all of them agree to it. Non-Resident Members are eligible to vote only at such an election.


No change.


1          Peals shall be recorded providing that all those taking part are Qualified, Life or Non-Resident Members of the Association.

2          Conductors shall forward the following to the Peal Secretary:

  1. details of the performance written out in the same way as in the Report on one side only of the paper;
  2. the names of the towers to which the ringers belong and an indication of Non-Resident Members;
  3. the names, addresses and subscriptions of any ringers elected immediately before the peal;
  4. the peal booking fee as stated in the schedule;
  5. the composition or its peal number in the Association's Reports.

3          These details shall be forwarded to the Peal Secretary within one month of the performance. No peal shall be accepted if reported more than two months after its performance, except that details of all peals rung in December must reach the Peal Secretary by the 31st January at the latest. The power to accept or reject a peal shall be vested in the General Committee.



1          Peals shall be recorded providing that all those taking part are Resident, Life or Non-Resident Members of the Association.

2          Conductors shall forward the following to the Peal Secretary:

  1. details of the performance written out in the same way as in the Report on one side only of the paper;
  2. the names of the towers to which the ringers belong and an indication of Non-Resident Members;
  3. the names, addresses and subscriptions of any ringers elected immediately before the peal;
  4. the peal booking fee as stated in the schedule;
  5. the composition or its peal number in the Association's Reports.

3          These details shall be forwarded to the Peal Secretary within one month of the performance. No peal shall be accepted if reported more than two months after its performance, except that details of all peals rung in December must reach the Peal Secretary by the 31st January at the latest. The power to accept or reject a peal shall be vested in the General Committee.




Change Qualified to Resident.


Proposed changes to rules 26.1.24

Existing text   Proposed text   Comments


The Association shall consist of Qualified. Associate, Non-Resident and Life members. The amount of subscriptions for subsequent years for each of these shall be decided at an Annual General Meeting and stated in a schedule to the Rules. A proportion of the subscriptions of members shall be allocated to the Bell Repair Fund. Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st January. All new members shall be supplied with an Association badge. Qualified and Associate members shall be supplied with their appropriate cards of membership.



The Association shall consist of Resident, Non-Resident and Life members. The amount of subscriptions for subsequent years for each of these shall be decided at an Annual General Meeting and stated in a schedule to the Rules. Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st January. All new members shall be supplied with an Association badge and a certificate of membership.


Replace Qualified and Associate members by Resident members.

Omit the reference to a proportion of subscriptions allocated to the Bell Repair Fund as this can be decided annually and included as part of the Schedule to the Rules.

Change appropriate cards to certificate.
↑ Up to newer version

Proposed changes to standing orders 28.1.24

Existing text   Proposed text   Comments


1.  To be eligible for election to the status of Qualified Member a ringer shall have rung to a method either.

a)  on tower bells 720 changes on either a working bell or the treble; or the tenor       covering to 1260 changes; or

b) 720 changes on a pair of handbells.

2  Associate Members are those ringers who have not yet qualified for (1) above.





Omit 1 & 2 as there will be one level of membership and renumber following paragraphs 

3          Qualified and Associate Members may apply to the General Committee for Life Membership on reaching the age of 65 years, if they have held continuous paid annual membership, either as an Associate Member or Qualified Member of the Association, for the last 30 years. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.


1      Resident Members may apply to the General Committee for Life Membership on reaching the age of 65 years, if they have held continuous paid annual membership, either as an Associate, Qualified or Resident Member of the Association, for the last 30 years. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.


Replace Qualified and Associate by Resident



Add Resident member

4          Life Membership may be granted by the General Committee to others at their discretion, particularly to those who have rendered outstanding service to the Association and to those who are unable to continue active ringing. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.


2          Life Membership may be granted by the General Committee to others at their discretion, particularly to those who have rendered outstanding service to the Association and to those who are unable to continue active ringing. Life Members may hold office and vote on all matters. Applications shall be made in writing to the General Secretary by the 31 December.


No change

5          Qualified and Associate Members are entitled to the Report of the previous year and to vote for the election of officers when they have paid their subscription for the current financial year.


 3          Resident Members are entitled to the Report of the previous year and to vote for the election of officers when they have paid their subscription for the current financial year.


Replace Qualified and Associate by Resident

6          Ringers who are neither resident in the County nor attached to any tower in the County may become Non-Resident Members    Non-Resident Members are not eligible for election to official positions in the Association and do not have a vote at elections. (For exception see 8 below). They do not receive reports and notices issued by the Association.


4          Ringers who are neither resident in the County nor attached to any tower in the County may become Non-Resident Members    Non-Resident Members are not eligible for election to official positions in the Association and do not have a vote at elections. (For exception see 6 below). They do not receive reports and notices issued by the Association.


No change

7          A Member may leave the County but wish to continue his membership; if he has paid two or more Annual Subscriptions he is eligible to become a Non-Resident Member without any further payment The change may be made by application to his Branch Secretary.


5          A Member may leave the County but wish to continue membership; if they have paid two or more Annual Subscriptions they are eligible to become a Non-Resident Member without any further payment. The change may be made by application to their Branch Secretary.


Grammatical changes


8          An election may be made before a peal attempt providing there are three or more members of the Association in the band and all of them agree to it. Non-Resident Members are eligible to vote only at such an election.


6          An election may be made before a peal attempt providing there are three or more members of the Association in the band and all of them agree to it. Non-Resident Members are eligible to vote only at such an election.


No change 


1          Peals shall be recorded providing that all those taking part are Qualified, Life or Non-Resident Members of the Association.

2          Conductors shall forward the following to the Peal Secretary:

  1. details of the performance written out in the same way as in the Report on one side only of the paper;
  2. the names of the towers to which the ringers belong and an indication of Non-Resident Members;
  3. the names, addresses and subscriptions of any ringers elected immediately before the peal;
  4. the peal booking fee as stated in the schedule;
  5. the composition or its peal number in the Association's Reports.

3          These details shall be forwarded to the Peal Secretary within one month of the performance. No peal shall be accepted if reported more than two months after its performance, except that details of all peals rung in December must reach the Peal Secretary by the 31st January at the latest. The power to accept or reject a peal shall be vested in the General Committee.



1          Peals shall be recorded providing that all those taking part are Resident, Life or Non-Resident Members of the Association.

2          Conductors shall forward the following to the Peal Secretary:

  1. details of the performance written out in the same way as in the Report on one side only of the paper;
  2. the names of the towers to which the ringers belong and an indication of Non-Resident Members;
  3. the names, addresses and subscriptions of any ringers elected immediately before the peal;
  4. the peal booking fee as stated in the schedule;
  5. the composition or its peal number in the Association's Reports.

3          These details shall be forwarded to the Peal Secretary within one month of the performance. No peal shall be accepted if reported more than two months after its performance, except that details of all peals rung in December must reach the Peal Secretary by the 31st January at the latest. The power to accept or reject a peal shall be vested in the General Committee.




Change Qualified to Resident 



Version 4

Membership Review V4
  Membership Review V4 p2


 Initial Proposal

   Membership Proposals V1
   Membership Proposals p2 V1
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